I ran into Savannah today! She is such a cutie!
I first met her several weeks ago as I was test marketing our Dog Fortune Cookie so I was happy to see her again. When we first met, her owner was surprised that Savannah ate the cookie with such enthusiasm. Savannah, you see, is quite a picky eater. Today she hadn't eaten at all said her owner (a very sweet woman)l. I was so sorry I didn't have any more treats with me.
We're going to do another production run on Tuesday
. ...... Well, next time Savannah. I'll look for you on Wednesday!

It's so much fun talking to people about their dogs. It's quite enriching and warm and fuzzy. Dogs seem to really love the cookies too
I'm going to try one myself on Tuesday.
(If it's good enough for them it's good enough for me. Can't wait!!!)
The cookies are made of all natural ingredients and they're gosh darn good I'd say based on the reactions I've observed. We've done some custom orders for various groups. A rescue dog organization ordered the cookies for a fundraiser and we personalized the messages. A city in Washington advocating "keep our city clean" offered them to dog owners! Cute ideas! Very innovative!